Landscape Photography Blog
North Devon Photography Trip - September 2020
What a crazy year it has been so far! I had lots of plans for 2020 but nearly all had to be cancelled when the Covid-19 pandemic hit. The content of this website ground to a halt along with most of my photography activities. During September, we finally managed to get a holiday week away at the coast in North Devon, included in this blog post are a selection of images from the week >
December Overview - Nickscape 365 Project (Final Update)
Today sees the 365th upload and completion of my year long project. I set out with the intention that this project should be a fun look back at a small portion of the images I've taken over the years. I've really enjoyed posting the images which have reminded me of all of the trips I've been on in the last 13 years and all of the amazing locations I've been lucky enough to shoot, all around the British Isle and abroad. I'd like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has share, liked and commented on the images over on social media, I'm really glad you have enjoyed the project!
November Overview - Nickscape 365 Project
November is one of my favourite months and I have enjoyed posting all of the 365 images this month. I always try to plan trips for the first 2 weekends of November due to the likelihood of hitting the peak of the autumn colour mixed in with the chance of more dramatic autumn weather conditions. November sees the start of the regular cloud inversions in the mornings and also the more dramatic clouds which leads to the better sunrise/sunset displays. The Peak District and Lake District are my favourite autumn locations and both feature heavily in the November uploads.
October Overview - Nickscape 365 Project
October has been an interesting month on the 365 project with lots of good feedback on my social media channels. I joined Instagram this month to try and share images when I am travelling around the UK and to also make use of some of my back catalogue.
2020 Calendar - British Landscapes UK Calendar Available Now!
I'm pleased to announce the launch of my 2020 British Landscape Photography calendar!
This will be 11 years in a row that I have produced a calendar featuring my images and are proud to invest in quality paper and packaging to make these much more suited to giving as a gift.
September Overview - Nickscape 365 Project
I've really enjoyed posting images during September. Autumn is by far my favourite season with the cooler days, change in landscape colour and more dramatic conditions. We've enjoyed a good September in Yorkshire for the weather so the summer has lasted well this year. With the amount of rain we've experienced over the summer the garden looks great and the landscape is looking really lush this year.
August Overview - Nickscape 365 Project
The last month of summer has now passed, school holidays are coming to and end and we can now look forward to the impending autumn leaf fall. We've now only 4 months to go with the project with the months that I am looking forward to posting most still to come. I love autumn in the UK, as the days begin to shorten, the temperature drops and the dew level rises creating a freshness not found at other times of year.
Local Scenes update - Penistone - South Yorkshire
Last autumn I began a casual project to spend time exploring my local countryside, shooting landscapes as close to home as possible. The scenery around Penistone, Barnsley and the northern Peak District has a really interesting mix of opportunities. We've been incredibly lucky with the weather this year and on the whole we've had great conditions during spring and summer. Below are a selection of images from the project spanning from autumn 2018 to august 2019.
July Overview - Nickscape 365 Project
We're now past the halfway stage of my year long 365 project. The images for July show a real shift in feeling moving from the bright spring growing season where the vegetation is fresh to the more established lush appearance of the middle of summer.
June Overview - Nickscape 365 Project
With the longest day of the year, June is a difficult month for landscape photography. The light tends to be incredibly strong and harsh unless you are up very early in the morning or stay out late at night. I tend to find my approach to photography changes in June and the locations I visit tend to be on holidays rather than on dedicated photography trips meaning that I look to capture images for my travel stock portfolio rather than for prints.
Anglesey and Snowdonia Landscape Photography (May 2019)
We chose to spend our annual holiday in North Wales this year spending a week based on the island of Anglesey. I managed to squeeze in a couple of photo trips during the week and took my highly portable Sony camera on all of the walks that we completed during the week. This trip was mainly a holiday and time was tight, I've built up a good list of locations in order to return at different times of year to capture the landscape in the best possible light.
May Overview - Nickscape 365 Project
I've really enjoyed the images posted during May to my 365 project. I definitely spend a lot of time at the coast during May each year which is very much reflected in the images. My 2020 calendars are now nearly complete and will be going to the printers later this Month.
April Overview - Nickscape 365 Project
I've really enjoyed the images posted during April to my 365 project. The colours are becoming greener and the light changing to become clearer as we move through the seasons from winter into spring.
Filey Bay - Yorkshire Landscape Photography (April 2019)
I spent the Easter weekend break on the Yorkshire Coast with the family in Filey. The weather all weekend was fantastic with bright sunshine and barely a cloud in the sky! When on the east coast I always try to make it up for one sunrise which on this occasion was a very cold but bright Saturday morning.
March Overview - Nickscape 365 Project
The third month of my 2019 Nickscape 365 Project has now come to an end. Every day during March I posted a new seasonal image from my extensive archive.
January Overview - Nickscape 365 Project (2019)
The second month of my 2019 Nickscape 365 Project has now come to an end. Every day during February I posted a new seasonal image from my extensive archives.
January Overview - Nickscape 365 Project
I've reached the end of the first month of my 2019 Nickscape 365 Project having posted 31 landscape from my archives each day for January. I've had a great response to the images on Social Media. I've tried to mix up the images keeping the winter theme with some traditional landscapes with some more personal images from my trips mixed in for variety. The images highlight my trips over the years to all corners of the British Isles, judging by the images, the Scottish Highlands is definitely a favourite of mine for winter scenery.
365 Project - 13 Years of Landscape Photography
I've spent a fair amount of time over the Christmas break working through my images making sure they are organised and removing those no longer needed. For each day of 2019 I've decided to post an image at random to match the season from my extensive back catalogue.